It is Jesus. Period.

Sometimes God gives me revelation too deep for words.  I say that to let you know that this note will be insufficient as I try to explain what is in my heart.

I am in a season of seeking the Lord’s will for my life in ministry.  For the past 19 years my first job (or shall I call it an opportunity) has been that of stay-at-home mom and then homeschool mom.  My second opportunity for the past 13 years has been in the area of ministry (this has been part-time because of my first opportunity); i.e. Christ-centered discipleship counseling and now inner healing ministry.  The latter included discipleship and inner healing for individuals, teenagers and couples, teaching classes and conferences, training interns and periodically public speaking. My first opportunity has just drawn to a close as my son and daughter have begun the adventure of life as adults.  I am now seeking the Lord about the next step in following Him.

In my mind I had it mapped out this way: Point A – intimacy with Jesus.  From that place I discover Point B – ministry, speaking, teaching, training, etc.  You know!  Go into all the world and preach the gospel.  Right?   Point A – Love God and Point B – Love others.

So, I was talking the the Lord yesterday morning and asking Him what this is supposed to look like.  I said, “Lord, I know that all things are rooted and established in You and I know that all things flow from a knowledge of You… I just don’t know how to get from Point A to Point B.  I feel stuck in this place of knowing the things you have placed in my heart and not knowing how to put feet to those visions and dreams.  As I sat before the Lord, I heard His still small voice, “There is no point B.”

You see, unfortunately most of us have not discovered Point A.  Most of us are too busy to posture ourselves before the Lord.  We want a formula, a plan, a principle that will help us get to the next place, but when we get there we will need a new plan or principle once again.  Jesus told us to seek first His Kingdom and all of the other things would follow.  But we don’t know how to do that.  We don’t know what it’s like to seek God.  We are spending so much time doing life that we don’t have time to spend with the Life Giver, Creator and Sustainer.

Remember the story of Martha and Mary.  We must remember that Martha was doing a good thing.  She was feeding the Son of God!  But she wasn’t choosing the “one thing” (Luke 10:38-42)… really the only thing that mattered: sitting at the feet of Jesus; i.e. point A!

You see, Jesus is Point A and Plan A.  There is no Point B.  He is it!  He is everything and dicovering that truth is like a man discovering a pearl of great price in a field.  He sold all that he had just to buy the field… because he knew that he had discovered the treasure that was worth everything.

So where do we go from here.  We must find a way, a place, a time to posture ourselves before the Lord and discover the “one thing” as Mary of Bethany discovered.  As we discover the one thing, we will discover a rest and a peace and a joy and a love that will follow us into all of the other things of life.

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