Year End Newsletter

It’s been an amazing year!  We have had the privilege of training over 140 people this year and we have heard testimony after testimony of people finding freedom by praying with individuals who have gone through our training!

This excites me because it is what God placed on my heart 2 years ago when I had a one year waiting list and He led me to “multiply!”  I love praying with others and watching them gain freedom; but even more, I love hearing testimonies from former students who are continuing to pray with others and see this freedom multiplied.

On top of all that we did at Belmont Church this year, we’ve also had the privilege of speaking at a school of ministry in Brentwood, speaking at Slow Burn Church one Sunday and doing a conference in Springhill, TN.  We are seeing God’s healing come faster than we’ve ever experienced (and I’ve been in ministry 17 years)!  Part of this is due to a new “tool”, Heartsync Ministry, that God led us to pursue this fall.

Heartsync Ministry: Ginger and I were attending a conference in Florence, Alabama when we heard one of the speakers mention Andy Miller and Scott Flanagan.  Ginger immediately went to Andy’s website and emailed me the link.  About one month later I decided to read about Heartsync and began to weep, recognizing that God had already been leading Ginger and me in this direction for several months.  I could not stop reading!!!  I read Andy’s entire website ( and was up until 2AM looking up everything and anything I could get my hands on that would teach me more about Heartsync.

We purchased a few books and an outdated Heartsync conference on DVD’s and began training ourselves.  We discovered that with the small amount of Heartsync we understood, the results were phenomenal (testimonies below)! We then contacted Andy Miller to inquire about his next training opportunity and received an email invitation to attend his “Heartsync Intensive Training” in North Carolina in November.  Since November 18th, we have done Heartsync with 17 people!  The results are amazing and beyond what we have ever seen with our previous tools: Theophostic Prayer Ministry, Sozo, Shabar, Immanuel Approach and Inner Healing Ministry!!!!  Actually, it has been so incredible that we cannot teach another Identity Weekend or Inner Healing Prayer conference until we get this under our belts.  It is changing the way we teach and what we teach!  So, please pray for us as we make this transition.

More News of Transformation! My amazing coworker and dear friend, Ginger Ludlow, and her wonderful husband, Jon, have adopted a baby girl!  She was born a month early weighing 4.4 lbs. but is growing quickly!  So, Ginger has been transformed from my sidekick in ministry to a stay-at-home mom.  It has been a transition for both of us.  She continues to stay connected to TM and all that we are doing and looks forward to returning part-time in the future.  But for now, she is mommy to this amazing little girl.  Adoption is a costly endeavor.  Please consider giving a gift to someone who poured her life out for me and Transformation Ministries for the past 2 years!  To find out more about how to make that happen, go to 

Setting up Non-Profit: The IRS has all of our information and we are just waiting for our non-profit status.  Our lawyer said it could be 4 weeks or 4 months! It has been almost a year!  Please pray that everything will be processed and we will receive our 501-C3 soon!

Opportunities to Pray and Give: We continue to offer everything we do for a suggested donation.  This enables us to say yes to anyone who comes regardless of their ability to donate.  We give away countless hours of sessions and several training schools each year.  If you would like to give to support individuals who take the training or who have individual sessions, you can give by mailing a check to:

Transformation Ministries

802 Elise Court

Mount Juliet, TN 37122

Or you can go to our website,  Click “Donate” at the top of the page.

We currently have 4 monthly supporters.  We would like to increase that number!

This year I came in $13,000 under my set salary. If Transformation Ministries has impacted your life or the life of someone you know, would you consider sending a gift? We truly believe in what God is doing through Transformation Ministries and hope you will enjoy hearing the Heartsync testimonies below.  Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your family for generations.

Testimonies from Heartsync “Before” Attending the Conference in North Carolina:

Testimony 1: Prior to my Heart Sync experience, I was living a nearly joyless existence. I was drowning in my pain, and felt like a hopeless, walking dead person. The future seemed very bleak. Today, I am experiencing joy. I feel alive and know Jesus is good and true, and that he loves me. I am hopeful for the future because I believe this a glimpse of the fullness and wholeness he is completing in me.

Testimony 2: After Heart Sync…I felt like every single part that I used to cope with pain was integrated to me. I realized how they were loved and cherished by Jesus. Now I feel whole and the only place I can run to is Jesus. I just feel so much joy!

Testimony 3: Within just two days of doing my first Heartsync, my walk with the Lord got deeper and better than I could have imagined. I had been walking around with a belief that I could only go so deep in intimacy with Him. After doing Heartsync ONCE that belief disappeared, and I am now free to walk in an ever increasing deep, intimate relationship with Him!

Testimony 4: “The heart sync ministry model has led me to embrace and forgive parts of my heart that had been locked away and suffering, and set them free. Each time I go through the model I have an Incredible, up-close encounter with God and as a result, I am walking in more and more freedom. I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in recapturing their heart.”

Testimony 5: I have been the recipient of heart sync prayer one time. While I can’t fully explain it, I do know that a piece of my heart that was tucked away since I was a child, (trauma at age 4), is now free from that trauma and experiencing life! I am a believer in this ministry and am excited to receive more!

Testimony 6: Because of Heart Sync, I now live with a sixth sense of feeling, allowing me to experience new depths of pain (even other people’s pain, just by simply looking at them) but also new heights of joy that I never knew existed. I’ve found an entire person who has been alive but hasn’t existed for about 19 years. It has transformed the way I know myself, Jesus and those around me. It’s more than discovering who I really am; its intimately knowing who I’ve always been.

Testimony 7: Since doing heart sync I have noticed a boldness that I carry that I’ve never I had before and realize that there are places of my heart that feel more connected!

Testimony 8: I’ve had trouble sleeping for a long time. After receiving Heartsync ministry, I’ve slept great these last couple of nights! The presence of God has been so tangible and I’ve been hearing Jesus whisper, “I’m here. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” over and over.

Testimony 9: The cool thing about the heart sync prayer is that even though I prayed and received healing for one thing, I began walking in much more peace in many things. I didn’t even realize it or connect it at first. It’s like my capacity to love just expanded.

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