June 2014 Newsletter

  • HeartSync Ministry – Ginger and I were attending a conference in Florence, Alabama in 2013 the first time we heard about Andy Miller and HeartSync Ministries.  Afterwards, we began to do our research.  After a couple of books and watching DVD’s of an old conference that he had been a part of, we decided to attend the HeartSync Basic Training in November 2013. Since then HeartSync has become our favorite tool in ministry.  We have seen God do some amazing things!  Andy Miller invited us to the Advanced Training in North Carolina this June.  We just returned and feel so blessed to have more insight and tools to seeing God’s children free.  Our hearts are to be a part of Jesus’ ministry and Isaiah 61; we want to see the broken hearted healed and the captive set free.  Please continue to pray for us as we discover how God wants us to multiply what we have learned.
  • Fundraising / More Opportunities to Give – We are excited to tell you that we have gone from having 4 monthly supporters to having seventeen!  This is still our biggest need.  If you would like to be a part of this team, you can simply respond to this email and let us know or go to our website and give via PayPal.  We are hoping for 25 monthly supporters by the end of the summer! No gift is too small.  Would you pray and ask the Lord if He would have you be part of our support team? We are in need of monthly supporters.  You can give $10, $25, $50, $100 per month, etc.  Or you can give a one-time gift for the year.
  • Direction of Ministry – We are still in a season of fundraising and praying with those that God has given us permission to pray with, as well as focusing our efforts on our own inner healing.  HeartSync exposed that Ginger and I both have more to pray about, but this is a good thing…we always want to move towards deeper connection with God and those around us. Our motto is: “We can’t give what we don’t already have.
  • Future Trainings – We are unable to say at this time when we will offer our next training…but we can say that we are holding it before the Lord and praying about it. Thank you to those of you who are continuing to pray with us for wisdom and timing.
  • Nonprofit News – We are excited to announce that we received our 501C3 Nonprofit standing in March! This was huge hurdle that took over a year to complete, but is vital in order to continue to offer our ministry on a donation basis. We are very thankful to an anonymous supporter for making this possible.
  • Emerie’s Gotcha Date! – In our last newsletter, we were so happy to announce the arrival of Emerie Raine Ludlow. On June 3rd, Emerie officially became a Ludlow! Jon and Ginger finalized their adoption, surrounded by family and friends. It was a wonderful end to a two-year adoption journey.


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