August 2014 Newsletter

Mission Trip to Brazil– Sometimes the best sunsets are right after you leave… I just got this picture from the my friends in Brazil, but I had to share it with you. The view of the sunsets were beautiful every evening while we were there, but we didn’t see this!

I want to thank all of you who were prayer partners and all of you who gave to make this trip possible. Several months ago I felt that God was calling me to go and minister to missionaries. In 17 years of ministry I’ve ministered to many missionaries, but typically when they were stateside. This time God was asking me to travel to them; specifically to a couple in Amazonas, Brazil. Your prayers and gifts made that possible. Thank you for choosing to sew into this and to sew into me and into them; I pray that your reward is beyond anything you can hope for or even imagine!

It is very challenging to be a full-time missionary. I don’t know it by experience, but I know it from the heart of those I’ve ministered to over the years and from books that I have read. You risk and give up everything you know to pour yourself out to others. You don’t “do” ministry… your life is ministry.

I cannot share with you everything about the trip, because of confidentiality on both sides. But I can tell you that it was good. We prayed together, worshipped together, ate together and just did life together for 2 weeks. Please continue to pray for the missionaries that God places on your hearts.  God’s love is reaching the nations and at TM we continue to desire that His kids know Him… the missionaries and well as you as well as the nations!

We sweated from the time we woke up until the time we went to bed, but what a joy to simply do life with this family for 2 weeks. They are all treasures in my heart forever and the good news is that we are connected forever because one of them is my godson!  

Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to seek the Lord in direction for TM and the upcoming year and stop by and see us at the Go Market during the Go Conference in September!

 May the Lord bless you and keep you and shine His face upon you and your generations with and abundance of truth, healing and grace.

In His love,

Denise Hughes                                                                                        

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