October 2014 Newsletter

Recently, we had a Board Meeting and as we shared all that we have been doing since August 2014, we realized… “We need to update everyone on all that has happened and is happening!” So, to make it easier to read, we are going to do this in bullet points again! You can get the “headline” version or the long version. Thank you for reading and please continue to keep us in your prayers.

• HeartSync Ministry – In the last newsletter I wrote, I told you that we were trying to decide what it looked like to incorporate HeartSync Ministry into what we do. Well, we have decided that, in addition to teaching identity, HeartSync IS what we do. After over a year of exploration, praying with others, studying and training, we are convinced that we want to be HeartSync ministers; i.e. it is the Inner Healing Prayer tool that we will continue to use and mentor.

• Fundraising Praises and Opportunities – We are excited to tell you that we have gone from having 4 to having 19 monthly supporters! Our monthly financial goal is $2500. This will allow us to run the ministry and continue to offer all we do on a donation basis, so as to never turn anyone away. We have raised $1780 per month!!! We still need $720 per month to complete our goal. If you would like to be a part of this team, you can email and let us know or go to the donate button above and give via PayPal. No gift is too small. Would you pray and ask the Lord if He would have you be part of our support team? We are in need of monthly supporters. You can give $10, $25, $50, $100 per month, etc. Or you can give a one-time gift for the year.

• The Easiest Way to Give – Kroger Community Rewards Program – The easiest way to give is by registering your Kroger Plus card with Transformation Ministries Inc. Details are below on our website!  Go to the link below; it will take you less than 5 minutes to sign up for a gift that keeps giving and costs you nothing.

• Upcoming Training – We will offer our next training in the Spring of 2015! This training will include our foundation of identity, a brief introduction to communication tools that are helpful in Inner Healing Prayer and an introduction and mentoring in the HeartSync principals. We are still working out the details of the when, where and cost, but we will let you know as soon as possible. If you already know that you are interested in this training, please email me at denise@transformationtn.com and let me know. There will only be a limited number of spots available.

• GO Conference – We had a table at the GO Conference this year! It was good to connect with people, letting them know who we are and what we do. We also sold some of our teachings and other merchandise. If you didn’t get to come, it’s not too late to purchase your “Identity is Everything” t-shirts, or get our CD sets or flash drives of our teachings! We are working on our webstore, but in the meantime you can email us for more information.

• Brazil – In August I travelled to Brazil, along with 2 companions. God told me in May to go and minister to the missionaries. I was able to simply “do life” with them for 2 weeks. It was the hardest trip I’ve ever done, but also priceless. I was in the Rainforest and met 3 different tribes of Indians! But, I will say, the highlight of my trip was the time that Megan M. and I connected. We worked together, prayed together, cried together, laughed together and stayed up a few nights until well after midnight talking from the deep heart places. That will be my forever treasure, and I believe the reason God sent me to Brazil. The long version is in an earlier post.

• We NEED an Office – God has been taking care of us and providing temporary solutions, but we are in 6 different locations working each week and we really hunger to be in one. We are not able to afford an office unless: 1. We start charging for all we do (and we know we are not supposed to do this). 2. We raise a lot more monthly support (which we feel that we have squeezed turnips enough this year). 3. Someone offers us the use of office space. We are truly hoping for number three. We need a comfortable place and a quiet place. If you have ideas, please email and let us know!

• Philadelphia, PA – We, along with our good friend, Harold Wetherbee, have been asked to come to Philadelphia to minister to, train and equip the leadership team of the church Urban Worship Center. We will be there from December 3 – 7 with a very packed schedule. Please pray for us that we will be able to not only see much healing, but efficiently equip the church’s ministry team in just a few short days.

• HeartSync Mentoring Program – There are only 3 directors of HeartSync Ministry in the world and they are the only individuals who can teach a HeartSync Basic or Advanced Training. But after attending both, we are able to mentor others in the HeartSync principals. We have been doing this with a group of 16 people every Thursday for several weeks. It is a bit of a leap to go from Inner Healing Prayer to HeartSync Ministry, but God has been meeting us and we have been seeing the miraculous week after week! We begin with over an hour of training and then move into group time where Ginger and I both do live demonstrations.  Below are some testimonies from people who have received HeartSync ministry and/or are in our Thursday program.

• Testimonies – My Favorite Part!!!

Testimony 1 – I’ve been in healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) for approximately 4 years, the last 20 months of which have been with Denise and Ginger. My first 8 months with them, we used various inner healing prayer ministry methods which favored Theophostic prayer, which I’m very familiar with. And while I was familiar with the Theophostic process, and understood it on an intellectual level, flashbacks and re-living memories as we worked through them usually left me physically exhausted, and took me days to recover from sessions. Also, the memories never seemed to end, so no matter how much memory processing we were able to get done in a session, it always felt like emptying the ocean with an eyedropper. HeartSync has been hard for me to adapt to, because it’s so different from anything else I’ve experienced. I still don’t understand it intellectually very well but I have definitely healed more rapidly in the past year – and with much less physical effects – than in all the previous years of Theophostic.

SRA is a horrific thing to try to come to terms with; I’d argue that it’s going to be extremely difficult in the best of circumstances, no matter what method you use. But HeartSync eases much of the secondary trauma in the healing process. Because I have DID from everything I went through, which created exponentially more pieces to put together, it’s still a long process. It still feels overwhelming at times. But I am more able to connect with God now than I’ve ever been in my life. This itself is a miracle, because SRA had left me seemingly broken beyond repair, both in respect to God and other people. But from the past 20 months with Transformation Ministries, I’m starting to comprehend how much he loves me and he really is “for” me, and I feel like I’ve also grown in my capacity to let other people into my heart. It’s very much two steps forward and one back, but I feel hope that maybe I won’t be in healing for the next 20 years. Maybe one day sooner than that, I could have a shot at a “good” life – a life of freedom and joy rather than bondage and darkness. I’m really thankful Denise and Ginger have pursued HeartSync (even if I don’t understand it…haha), and I am a primary example of how this ministry lives up to its name – transformation.

On the physical side: a fever was instantly healed in a session, no more constant headaches, I had such bad migraines I couldn’t see and they were specifically healed during HeartSync ministry, nighttime pain from higher level spiritual attacks are gone, I’ve been sleeping and waking up before my alarm clock without exhaustion since my last HeartSync, effects from prior overdosing are also gone and the constant pain of needles in my forehead and eyes is also completely gone… I could go on… the list is long. But, for all of this and more I am thankful.

Testimony 2 – HeartSync has been changing the way I think about my soul and the way I think about healing. Understanding my primary identities and their place in my heart has brought about a self-love I didn’t have before. Places I thought were in the way of Jesus’ work in my life are beginning to have a place of honor and connection with Him. Understanding God’s design has in and of itself brought healing as I see each part as necessary and good. The goal of healing for me has shifted from wanting to just make my pain go away to discovering who God made me to be and how to have all of my heart present in my relationships.

Testimony 3 – Denise and Ginger, thank you again so much for taking me through a personal HeartSync session in May. It has had a profound impact at both a personal and prayer ministry level. This is the most gentle and affirming ministry tool I have ever experienced or used. It has taken not only me to deeper levels of inner healing, but those I am praying with as well. HeartSync exponentially speeds up the inner healing process, as it is so effective in dealing with the protectors of the heart. It has been interesting to witness that those even with years and years of inner healing are taken to much greater depths of healing with this method.

Although I have attended the Basic and Advanced HeartSync training, it has been your mentoring program that has actually helped me the most to apply the material. Your gift of teaching, insights, vulnerability, and the live demonstrations have equipped me to become more proficient in the use of HeartSync. It is the number one tool I now use in doing prayer ministry. When I do use other methods, I am finding the use of Andy Miller’s way of dealing with spiritual warfare is the most simplistic yet effective.

I have begun using the HeartSync method with men in a local county jail on Monday nights. They are experiencing greater breakthroughs with HeartSync than the other modalities I have previously used. Recently, one of the inmates was physically healed during a session, which has never happened with other modalities. I have incorporated HeartSync into my dissertation project that deals with inner healing with inmates for my Doctorate of Ministry program, as it is so effective. Thank you again so much for equipping and personally taking me through HeartSync.

Keep praying for us as we continue to say “yes” to Jesus in our lives, our families and our ministry. We want to see Jesus heal His children and set them free from the bondages that keep them from walking into the fullness of all that God has created for them!

May God continue to bless you and your families for generations!

Denise Hughes and Ginger Ludlow

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