Righteousness versus Holiness

Twenty years ago people were stunned when we taught identity and the finished work of the cross. Each time we taught it, people would ask, “Why are churches not teaching this? I’ve been raised in church my whole life and I’ve never heard this message!” Today, it is preached in many churches and not “a crazy new revelation” as it once was.

Unfortunately, with familiarity also comes misunderstanding. This crazy abundance of grace and the finished work of the cross message has left many believing that “I can do whatever I want and it’s fine because I am righteous and my standing with God cannot be altered.” There is truth in that, but grace does not produce lawlessness.

Sanctified means set apart.

We are called to love the world the way Jesus did. He did this well because He dined with the tax collectors and the prostitutes and they felt crazy abounding love in His presence and wanted to be with Him. So, this is not about being set apart from the world in the sense of stepping away. It’s about being so set apart that those who don’t know Him “want” to be with us because they recognize a radical difference in who we are.

Paul said, “I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling.” (Eph. 4) Beloved, you are righteous; that is settled. And yes, you are saints: i.e. holy ones. Yet, there is a holiness of God where we will move into such unity with His Spirit that we say what He says and we do what He does and the world will know us by our radical love.

You cannot have unity without maturity and you cannot have maturity without unity. The earth is groaning with anticipation for the mature children of God to arise. (Rom. 8:19) You are not called to be like the world to love the world, you are called to be in the world and not of it.

Prayer: Father, reveal any place in me that keeps me from walking in the fullness of unity with You. I want to know who You are and truly understand the sacrifice You made.Thank you that You gave me Your righteousness and You call me Your child. Prepare me to move into greater maturity, rising into the fullness of unity with You. Teach me what it means to live and walk in holiness. I want to see Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on the earth as it is in heaven. Amen

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