Take Courage

Speaking to His eleven closest friends hours before the cross, Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

The Greek word θαρσέω (translated “take courage”) only appears seven times in the New Testament, and only by Jesus. He tells the paralytic, the woman who touched His garment, His disciples when He walked to them on water, the blind man, His eleven closest friends, and Paul before he went to Rome, to take courage. He spoke it to those who needed a touch of courage, healing, or peace.

We need θαρσέω in our world today. We need healing in our bodies and courage with a peace that passes understanding for these current times.

Father, we need You. My family needs You, my city needs You, our country and our world need You. There is no other answer to what we are facing. You are the answer, and You are always enough. Jesus, will You speak the same courage (Greek meaning – courage, good cheer, and comfort) over our lives as You spoke to Your beloved as You were performing Your miracles.

Lord, with courage in our hearts, we await Your miracles. Amen

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