
I married young… 19 years old. Since Scott had more college under his belt, we decided “I’ll work and Scott can finish college first, then we’ll switch places.”  Needless to say, he graduated and we found out we were going to have our first child.  I instantly became a stay-at-home mom and went to college for the next 7 years… one class a semester at night.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I always had this feeling that I was putting my career on hold.  In the beginning of our marriage it was, “I’ll sacrifice and you can get your education.” Then it became: “I’ll sacrifice so that we can give our children the best.” Then we took it a step further… I won’t just sacrifice for 5 or 6 years, but for 18 or 19 so that we can home-school and offer our kids an education designed for them by someone who delights in them and understands how God designed them.

Now I’m an empty nester.  As I ended that season of raising my children for the next, I realized… it was not a sacrifice at all; it was always a gift.  My career awaits… but my children have grown. Yesterday I could swaddle them in my arms; today they’re adults, moving into their careers and into their lives.

So, you see… it was not a sacrifice.  It was never a sacrifice, but an opportunity.  An opportunity to be with some of the greatest treasures in my life.  I realize now that God knew that one day I would not look back and think of what I’d lost, but I would look at what I’ve gained… treasures that are stored up in my heart that can never be taken away.

Daniel and Erika have been and are some of the greatest blessings of my life. I am blessed that the last 20 years of my life have been spent with them first. I am blessed for every sleepless night and every day of spit up and later, wrestling over school work… because they were days… Some were hard, some were glorious… but all were days.

Seize these days with your children while they are young, for tomorrow they will be adults.

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