What if God Really Does Just Love You?

What if God really does just love you?  It is difficult to believe.  This world has clouded our minds and left us thinking that everything must be earned.  What if God’s love is much bigger than that?  What if grace truly is amazing and the good news is really good?

Four years ago God led me into a wilderness; I did not experience God’s presence for 2 years! In that wilderness I discovered that I was not a servant with a master, but a bride with a Husband (Hosea 2) and a daughter with a Father.  Then 2 years ago I realized He was calling me away to Himself.  He just wanted us to “hang out”.  It was difficult to grasp at first, but then I began to understand.  In that 2 years He has loved me.  Every day that I hang out with Him, He just simply loves on me; no agenda.

One day (after hearing a sermon about God giving us strategies in our quiet times with Him) I was talking to Him: “Lord, what are we doing?  Every time I hang out with You, You are just loving on me.  Aren’t we going to move into strategies; you know, for ministry, life, etc.?”  His response, “Intimacy is the strategy.”
So, I have continued to hang out with the Lord and today I realize, He simply wants to love us; no agenda.  Isn’t it what Jesus told His Father when He was with His disciples in His very last prayer: “that the love You have for Me may be in them.” (John 17)  Doesn’t all of life begin and end there, in the love of God that will forever unfold.

The good news really is the good news.  Jesus came, and for the joy set before Him (being reunited to you) He endured the cross.  He doesn’t need servants.  If He created the world to have servants, He would’ve left out the free will part (and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil).  He has always wanted lovers and children and friends.  It has always been about relationship and it has no agenda.

What if God really does just love you?  Wouldn’t that change everything?  You might fall so in love with Him that you begin to do relationship without agenda?  Maybe it really is simply love God, love others.

I pray that Christ may live in your hearts by faith. I pray that you will be filled with love.   I pray that you will be able to understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep His love is.  I pray that you will know the love of Christ. His love goes beyond anything we can understand. I pray that you will be filled with God Himself. (Eph. 3:17-19)

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