Why Was Jesus’ First Miracle Significant?

I was reading in John today (probably my favorite book of the Bible). I can’t step away from the words of the apostle whom Jesus loved. In John 2, John is recording Jesus’ first miracle.

Jesus and His mother, along with other family and friends, were at a wedding. Jesus’ mother walked up to Him and said, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her… Greek translation literally: “What to Me and you?” In the NAS Bible, the English translation says, “Woman, what do I have to do with you?” It sounds so harsh and disrespectful, yet Jesus was neither. As I am sitting here reading and hanging with Perfect Love – Papa, Jesus and Holy Spirit… I am envisioning the scene:

Jesus’ mother, who was chosen above all women to raise the Son of God, walks up to her Son whom she loves and has full connection with and says, with a smile on her face because she knows His heart, “They have no wine.” And with the understanding that most of our communication is non-verbal, He says, “What is that to Me and you?” Now, what did He really say? Well, she knew, because her next words are to the servers, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” So, with a look of His eyes and probably a smile on His face, His mother knew His answer was “yes”.

Then He proceeded to give instructions to fill 6 clay pots, which were set aside for purification, with water that He would then supernaturally turn into the best wine that the headwaiter had probably ever tasted. Jesus is not cruel. His words are not harsh and unjust. He is Perfect Love and He does not speak from fear or unrighteous anger. If He confronts it is in Love. If He rebukes it is from Love. His heart was always speaking and living and doing from the Father.

His mother asked Him for wine and His Heavenly Father said, “Let’s do this thing,” because Jesus could do nothing of Himself, unless it was something He saw the Father doing; for whatever the Father did, those things Jesus did in like manner. (John 5:19)

This was His first miracle and it would also be His last. He placed water into water pots made of clay for His first miracle. It had to have greater significance than simply making for a better wedding experience. He is the Potter and we are the clay.

For His last miracle, as a man on the earth, He would give Himself on the cross and then He would defeat death and hell and through His resurrection He would make provision for these vessels of clay to be filled with His water and His wine. We were dead in our sins and He made us alive together with Him and seated us with Him in Heavenly places.

His mother smiled and asked. Jesus smiled and responded. His Father smiled and knew that His first miracle would be a testimony of His purpose: I have come so that they might have life and have it in abundance. He filled clay pots with water and transformed it into wine. He is transforming you into who you were always meant to be… the you that heaven already sees and knows. He is the Potter and He fills the clay pots with new wine. May you drink of His goodness, healing, truth and rest today and be transformed as your mind is renewed to a heavenly reality that has always been yours. It was for freedom that Christ set you free. Now be who you were transformed to be and rivers of living water will flow from your innermost being to bring light, love and life to a thirsty world.

8 Responses

  1. When we have that connection with Jesus, Jesus pours rivers of living water into our lives to transform us into his likeness. Likewise, when others see the transformation Jesus has done, then they will seek Jesus to be filled too. Wow. Thank You Jesus!

  2. this is a beautiful description of Jesus’s love and character. I really like the relationship between the first and last miracle. Thank you for sharing!


  3. I have been thinking of you every week, knowing you are doing the class so close to my home. You are also on my heart concerning Dale.

    So seeing your message is a gift today. I believe with you and Scott for Dale’s healing.


  4. Hi Denise, I heard you speak in Chattanooga a couple of weeks ago. You mentioned ministering effectively to others but closing off a part of yourself from intimacy if someone comes too close. That resonated with me. I am looking forward to getting together with Harold Wetherbee when he has a moment to meet with me. He should be back in town soon. Harold said that after listening to you talk, the information was still head knowledge until you are ministered to yourself and experience your own freedom, one does not really know what you are talking about. I am looking forward to greater understanding and freedom. Thank you so much for your time with us.

  5. Dear Denise,
    Thanks for sharing your insights about this story. To picture Mary w/ a smile and Jesus as well is truly refreshing to my spirit.

    Thank you for also ‘mining’ the gold nuggets hidden there….


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